
The Court Theatre

THE COURT THEATRE (Hof-Theater) is an independent theatrical group, consisting of young, professional theatre producers and amateur actors.

Elisabeth von Elmenau, Reinhard Mack, Tom Nollau, Barbara Sabel, Jana Jangl, Gregor Franke, Anja Fritzsche, Philip Müller, Thomas Honsberg, Uwe Scheller, Sophia Dreyer, Rebecca Mack von Elmenau.

Repertoire 2016
The court theater plays again from December 2016th

We start our Theaterspektakel at 16 December with the comedy “Waldfrieden” of Ludwig Thoma, and “The gemüthliche Devil” by Johann Nestroy.

Other performances are on 17, 26, December 30, and on the 5th, 6th and 7th of January.

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